A reader of AskTheMoneyCoach.com wrote me because she felt that her student loans were holding her back, and had become a big financial problem.
As it turns out, her real money problem isn’t the higher education debt she has – it’s the chronic unemployment situation she’s endured.
Economists say you are technically among the ranks of the “chronically unemployed” when you’ve been out of a job for a year or longer. Unfortunately, that label applies to more than 10 million Americans.
In this video, I share some job-hunting advice and specific ideas on landing a job for anyone who’s looking for a new job or trying to advance in his or her career.
Too often, people struggle in their job search because they have some kind of “hidden” problem that remains undetected until pointed out by someone else. In other words, there’s a bigger issue that is masked and that the individual can’t see – even if that same issue might be apparent, or even glaring, to other people.
What are some of these “hidden” issues? It could be anything from a resume that you think is great, but actually stinks; to a job-hunter who’s too picky or too narrow in his or her job quest.
So take a look at the video on this page and listen to the questions I raise and see if you can’t spot where you might be going wrong in your job hunt. Also, if you happen to have student loans, like the person who wrote me, listen out for my tips in this area as well.
I realize, of course, that hefty student loans that have gone unpaid – or even worse, college debt that has gone into default – can hamper your hunt for a new position. After all, many employers are doing credit-based employment checks. And if a background screening includes a credit check, and you have delinquent student loans, you may suddenly be out of the running for a good job.
Don’t let that happen to you! Take the tips contained in this video – and keep your student loans at a manageable level, while being successful in your job-hunting endeavors as well.