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Student Loans
What’s the Fastest Way to Fix Errors in My Credit Report When I Apply for a Mortgage?
Zero Debt The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom 2nd Edition Lynnette Khalfani Cox 2
How to Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt
payday loans
How Can I Get Rid of My Payday Loans
A round button with a metallic silver border and a green center featuring a white upward arrow that inspires you to maximize your credit score.
6 Ways to Help You Maximize Your Credit Score
Graduation caps with yellow tassels are thrown in the air against a clear blue sky, reflecting the culmination of years of effort and wise credit utilization.
How to Lower Your Credit Utilization
credit score
Do I Need My Plus Score or Just My FICO Score?
A person in a suit and tie is clasping their hands together, looking forward with a neutral expression against a plain white background, perhaps contemplating the complexities of student loans.
Student Loan Cancellation Programs—Big Hassles, Even Bigger Payoff
A mortgage application form with the name "John Smith" and address "123 Main Street" is stamped with "REJECTED" in red ink. A silver pen is placed on the mortgage form.
The Real Reasons You Can't Get a Mortgage
Two keys on a keyring with a blue tag labeled "Ex-husband" against a gradient blue background, perhaps once tied to the mortgage of a shared home.
How Can I Protect Myself and My Credit if My Ex Husband Does Not Pay the Mortgage?
Book cover titled "Perfect Credit: 7 Steps to a Great Credit Rating" by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, featuring a smiling photo of the author in a purple dress, embodying the confidence that comes with achieving perfect credit.
What Exactly Is Perfect Credit?
old debt
How to Remove an Old Debt From Your Credit Report
Book cover titled "Perfect Credit: 7 Steps to a Great Credit Rating" featuring author Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, a New York Times best-selling author, smiling in a purple dress, offering insights on managing debt and achieving financial wellness.
All Debt Is Not Created Equally
A close-up of financial documents showing pie charts and tables categorizing investment types such as high growth, moderate growth, balanced growth, conservative growth, and capital preservation within a 401(k) plan.
Should I Pay off a Few Credit Cards Using My 401(k)?
past due
Can a Creditor Seize My Husband’s Bank Account If I am Sued?
A black graduation cap with a red price tag displaying dollar signs attached to it, symbolizing the burden of student loans.
Student Loan Horror Stories
Where Can I Find the Government Agencies That Pay Your Student Loans?
Best Place to Find Grants, Loans and Financing for Entrepreneurs
Close-up of motorcycle front wheels and disc brakes aligned in a row, captured in black and white. Perfect for those considering a motorcycle loan to bring their dream bike home.
Am I responsible for a motorcycle loan that my husband took out in my name?
Close-up of a parking meter showing the word "EXPIRED" in red text, reminiscent of an old statute of limitations run out.
The Statute of Limitations in a Nutshell
debt - Lynnette Khalfani-Cox
Should I Get Married Even Though My Girlfriend Has a Lot of Debt?
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