
A budget is a detailed outline of what and how you choose to spend your money on. Not only on your day to day bills, but on what you will spend on your children, travel, home improvements, photography lessons, or some other hobby you enjoy.

A magnifying glass is positioned in front of the large, gold word "BUDGET," with the glass highlighting part of the text, emphasizing the importance of careful budgeting. A gold pen is next to the magnifying glass.

Budgeting for Savings and Long-Term Goals

If you’ve ever tried budgeting for the long run only to find that your best-laid plans always seem to get ruined by short-term emergencies, then

financial tips for single mom - lynnette khalfani-cox

Money Saving Tips for the Single Mom

When you’re a single mom and solely in charge of managing the family budget, it pays to be frugal – literally. Whether you’re supporting just

Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

Creating a Millionaire in Training Budget

You can probably rattle off what your basic necessities are: they’re expenses like housing payments, food, transportation costs, and so forth. You may need to

Why budget's fail - Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

Why Most Budgets Don’t Work

If you asked most financial planners and advisors about what goes into a budget, chances are they would tell you that a budget is broken

Budget - Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

Budget is NOT a 4-Letter Word

Let’s face it: most people hate being on a budget. Most people, that is, except millionaires. You see, millionaires not only create personal budgets, they

budgeting - Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

Five Effective Budget Control Tips Anyone Can Use

Cash-strapped Americans trying to create or stick to a budget need look no further than CEOs from Corporate America. After all, corporate execs have mastered

get out of debt

Which Debts Should You Stop Paying

Q: For the first time in 22 years  I  can’t make my mortgage payment. It will get paid via a little help from the mortgage

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