
If you are in the market for any type of loan, here you will find relevant articles that will help you make informed decisions here.

Advice if Your Home is Underwater

Q: My husband and I are underwater on our lovely historic 1930 era home, which we hoped to grow old in. We paid $783,000 for

A sign on a pale yellow building reads "Manny's Quality Auto Repair" with a small illustration of a car. The building number "147" is visible below the sign, and trees are in the background.

What Should I Do If I Can’t Afford My Car?

If you’re in over your head with an expensive car note, it’s time to think about getting from underneath that burden. Here are some options

payday loans

The Dangers of Getting Payday Loans

For a single loan, payday lenders routinely charge interest rates of about 400% on an annualized basis. That’s a ridiculously high price to pay for

Why Banks Lend and Why The Don’t

In order for a bank to declare that it is FDIC insured, it must meet certain financial requirements imposed by the FDIC. Specifically, banks must

A neon sign reads "PAYDAY ADVANCE" in green and yellow letters, hinting at quick payday loan solutions.

Disadvantages of Getting a Payday Loan

If you’ve never taken out a payday loan, great. Please never do. If you have, please don’t ever do it again. If you absolutely need

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