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Lynnette, with her long dark hair and gold necklace, smiles outdoors against a backdrop of trees and a winding road.
Lynnette Khalfani-Cox on The Daily Drum WHUR 96.3 Howard University Radio
Cyber Monday
Top 10 Cyber Monday Tips for Safe Online Shopping
A yellow diamond-shaped road sign with the words "RETIREMENT AHEAD" in black letters, encouraging you to retire comfortably.
5 Financial Secrets to a Happy Retirement
Image of a book titled "The Money Coach's Guide to Your First Million" by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, featuring the subtitle: "7 Smart Habits to Building the Wealth of Your Dreams" and a portrait of the esteemed millionaire author.
Why You Should Put Your Financial Goals in Writing
A stack of colorful sticky notes with the top note in green reading "WHO ARE YOU?" in bold black letters, sitting next to a small pile of coins.
Do You Have A Split Personality When it Comes to Money?
The word "CREDIT" is shown in large, metallic letters with a chain and opened handcuff attached, symbolizing the restriction or bondage related to debt.
Deep in Debt? You Could Get Locked Up!
A man in a business suit holds a fan of cash in one hand and gestures with his other hand, offering his impressive collection of money.
How to handle harassment by a collection agency
What To Do If Someone Filed A Tax Return In Your Name And Stole Your Credit Identity
emotional spending
Eight Ways to Stop Emotional Spending
debt management plan
How to Get Out of a Debt Management Program
Are there any legitimate companies that I could work with to sell my timeshare?
stafford loans
Should You Transfer Your Sallie Mae Student Loans?
Close-up of a typewriter with a sheet of paper showing the typed words "To Whom it May Concern:"—a classic opening for any consumer statement.
Should I Put a Consumer Statement in My Credit Report?
children and financial literacy
How to Teach Your Children Financial Literacy
minimum payments
Don't Go Broke With Minimum Payments
I Can't Refinance My House Without My Husband's Signature. What Should I Do?
mortgage underwater
When You Owe More Than A Home Is Worth And Have Bad Credit
A hand holding a pen is marking "Excellent" on a credit score form, celebrating that coveted first FICO score. Nearby are a calculator, glasses, and a document with financial information.
How Do I Establish My First FICO Score?
How Can I Make Some Extra Cash, I am Living Paycheck to Paycheck
A man and woman stand back to back, looking away from each other with arms folded, suggesting disagreement or conflict; it's clear their credit has been wrecked.
What to Do if Your Credit Has Been Wrecked by a Family Member
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