College Tuition

college tuition

4 Hidden College Costs Every Parent and Student Should Know

Like most parents of high school teenagers and college students, this is the time of year when my husband and I start focusing a lot more seriously on higher education expenses. Thankfully, when our oldest daughter went off to college, she initially won a ton of scholarships. She’ll turn 20 in a few months and […]

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paying for college

How Colleges Bury College Tuition Costs in the Fine Print

When college and university officials speak about their campuses, they do a good job of letting prospective students and families know about the range of academic offerings, extracurricular opportunities, student services and facilities at these institutions. There’s the snazzy new athletic center that was just built where you can work out — or just watch

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moving to save on tuition

Can You Cut Tuition Costs by Moving to Another State?

To take advantage of in-state tuition, some students take the drastic step of moving to the state in which their desired college or university is located. When this strategy works, it can save you tens of thousands of dollars. But be forewarned: it’s not as easy as you might think. Over the past decade or

Can You Cut Tuition Costs by Moving to Another State? Read More »

college costs

2 Easy Ways to Cut College Costs

The total cost of college now exceeds $23,000 annually at the average four-year public school in America, according to the College Board. Total yearly costs are twice that amount, more than $46,000, at private schools in the U.S., leading students everywhere scrambling for ways to cut college tuition and other expenses. With the typical college

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College Secrets

College Secrets: How To Save Money on College Tuition

When you or one of your children receives a college acceptance letter, you may initially feel like celebrating. But soon after, a pang of fear and worry may also kick in – once you try to figure out how you’re going to pay those massive college tuition bills. Fortunately, you don’t need to lose sleep

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7 Financial Tips for Parents of College Students

For those of you who are parents, it’s understandable that you want to help your child avoid the plague of student loan debt, but there’s a right way to go about doing it and a wrong way. The wrong way is to completely sacrifice your financial future, forgoing retirement savings and just “hoping for the

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