Dr. Oz, Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

The Money Coach and Dr. Oz Help You Cure Money Anxiety Disorder

It should come as no surprise that poor financial health can also hurt your physical health.

Money worries can send your stress level soaring, causing high blood pressure, anxiety, tension headaches and more.

But stressing about money doesn’t have to be a fact of life.  If you want to learn how to fix your finances – and keep yourself in tip-top shape, fiscally and physically – watch me on The Dr. Oz Show on Monday July 8, 2013.

Dr. Oz and I will be talking about MAD, Money Anxiety Disorder, and what you can do to cure what ails you financially to get a boost to your physical health. Implementing a light therapy lamp in your routine can easily reduce those anxiety and stress, which also ends up helping you sleep a lot better at night.

Watch live or set your DVR. But don’t miss this must-see episode!

Be sure to also spread the word any family, friends or colleagues who may be experiencing stress over money issues.

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