Credit Cards

One of the hardest money habits to break is living off the credit cards. Whether you’ve enjoyed one too many shopping sprees or just count on your credit cards to take care of some bills now and then, increasing your debt load haphazardly is never a smart decision.

A woman with glasses, who appears to be a financial planner, holds her hands up in a stop gesture, looking directly at the camera.

Five Reasons to Opt Out of Credit Card Offers

No matter how many tantalizing credit offers banks dream up, you can minimize the clutter in your mailbox, thanks to the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

surge in credit card fraud

Beware of A New Surge In Credit Card Fraud

The Secret Service is investigating a surge in credit card theft. The crime spree appears to have started in Wythe County and is spreading up

calculate interest on credit card

How to Calculate Interest on a Credit Card

Interest you accumulate on your credit card – also known as finance charges – can be difficult to pay off when you are carrying a

Zero Debt The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom 2nd Edition Lynnette Khalfani Cox 2

How to Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt

If you missed my interview on LX New York, I talked about how I paid off over $100,000 in credit card debt:

Zero Debt outlines 30 strategies I used to get out of debt, but here are a few highlights:

1) Put your debts in writing
Many people struggling with credit card debt have absolutely no idea exactly how much they owe. Instead they “guesstimate” about their total bills — and often they’re way off with their numbers. I made this mistake when I was in debt, and it allowed me to stay in denial (and in debt!) for far too long. It wasn’t until I took an honest about my predicament — by list all my bills in black and white, and putting everything in writing — that I got serious about knocking out the debt.

old debts

Some Old Debts Are Best Left in the Past

Q: I opened A credit card account back in college in the year 2000. I have never paid it off the amount I owed. Should

A credit card rests on a document outlining terms, conditions, interest rates, and APR information. Strategically placed atop is a pen, highlighting the importance of financial planning in budgeting decisions.

How to Lower Your Credit Card Interest Rate

Sometimes, one easy phone call is all it takes to get the interest rate on a credit card lowered. However, many people are reluctant to

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