Financial Mistakes

financial mistakes

Financial Decisions That Can Hurt Your Credit Rating

To improve your credit rating or increase your credit score, you likely already know that it’s important to do the basics: such as paying your bills on time each month, and keeping your accounts out of collections. But are you aware that a host of other financial decisions you might make – especially seemingly innocent

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woman praying

Are You Guilty of These Financial Mistakes?

 It’s great to have goals to help you get ahead in life. But setting totally unrealistic goals is one of the most common financial mistakes I see all the time. Maybe it’s human nature. But way too many individuals spend many years – sometimes even decades – getting themselves into financial trouble. Then they want

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5 Financial Mistakes that Can Wreck Your Marriage

Whether you’re a newlywed or have been married for many years, having a good handle on your finances needs to be a top priority for couples. Spouses that can make financial decisions together are usually in a better position than those who avoid talking about money or rely on one spouse to handle every aspect

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financial mistakes

5 Financial Mistakes Everyone Should Have Learned

Keeping your finances in order and your budget on track isn’t always easy, and 2011 may not have been your best year financially. Whether you failed to meet your savings target or you faced a serious financial downfall this year, you can learn from your mistakes and set yourself up for a financial recovery plan

5 Financial Mistakes Everyone Should Have Learned Read More »

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