loan modification

loan modification scam

Is This Loan Modification Offer Legitimate or a Scam?

A reader of is dealing with a potential foreclosure situation. Of course, they’re trying to avoid foreclosure. This individual is interested in getting a loan modification and has gotten an offer for help. The dilemma this person is facing, however, is, whether or not this company offering loan modification services is indeed reputable and […]

Is This Loan Modification Offer Legitimate or a Scam? Read More »


I Can’t Refinance My House Without My Husband’s Signature. What Should I Do?

A bank won’t let a woman refinance her house without her husbands signature. The problem is that the woman and her husband separated after being married for just one year, and the current mortgage is in her name only. What should she do? Click to hear Lynnette’s advice.

I Can’t Refinance My House Without My Husband’s Signature. What Should I Do? Read More »

Should You Borrow From a Subprime Lender

Question: “During 2007, I was working a full‑time and a part‑time job. I lost the full‑time job due to a reduction in force with the federal government. I was paying my creditors until my unemployment was revised. “My question is this. I tried to re‑mortgage my house. I tried to get a home equity loan, but

Should You Borrow From a Subprime Lender Read More »

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