bill collectors

Person with curly hair wearing a red shirt extends their hand towards the camera, fingers spread, as if reaching out to collectors against a white background.

How to Stop Bill Collectors From Harassing You By Using a Cease and Desist Letter

 It’s no picnic when your bills are overdue and debt collectors are calling you at all hours, harassing you non-stop at home or work. But just because you may (or may not) owe some company money, that doesn’t give an overly aggressive bill collector a free pass to violate your legal rights, intimidate and harass

How to Stop Bill Collectors From Harassing You By Using a Cease and Desist Letter Read More »

collection fees

Can a Bill Collector Add Collection Fees?

Question: I have an outstanding debt of $750 with a college which is currently handled by a collection agency. The agency is telling me my debt is now $1,000.  Is it legal for the debt collector to add collection fees and refuse to settle for my original amount? Answer: What debt collectors can and can’t

Can a Bill Collector Add Collection Fees? Read More »

car repossessed

My Car Was Repossessed but the Collection Agency Still Wants More Money to Settle the Debt. Help!

Question: I have a question from a reader today who wanted to get some information about an auto that was actually repossessed via voluntary relinquishment. He wrote to me saying, “I’m recently divorced, and my ex decided to voluntarily relinquish a car that was in both of our names just before our divorce was final.

My Car Was Repossessed but the Collection Agency Still Wants More Money to Settle the Debt. Help! Read More »

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