Q: If I dispute something on my credit report that I feel is not legit will it re-start the time on the debt?
I have a debt that will drop off in another year and I want to dispute it but I don’t want to restart the clock on the debt. Should I dispute it or leave it alone?
A: Disputing a debt with the credit bureaus will not restart the clock on the debt.
Therefore, if you feel the debt is not legitimate, I would encourage you to contact Equifax, Experian and TransUnion to get the debt removed from your credit files.
After you initiate a dispute, the credit bureaus have 30 days to reply to your request. Any information that is outdated, inaccurate or that can’t be verified must be removed, in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
The best way to dispute a debt – and to have it quickly removed from your credit reports – is to do an online dispute.
Use these websites to reach the credit reporting agencies and dispute errors: