credit card debt

Understanding Credit Card Debt and Its Impact on Your Finances

Credit card debt can have a significant impact on your financial well-being. It is important to understand what credit card debt is, how it works, and the potential consequences it can have on your overall financial health. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of credit card debt, its benefits and drawbacks, strategies […]

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Lynnette Khafani-Cox

Here’s What I Did To Get Out of Debt 

Even though I got my first credit card more than 25 years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday.  I was a freshman attending the University of California, Irvine. At age 18, just receiving an invitation to apply for a credit card made me feel so grown up.  Back then, credit card solicitations were

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4 Things To Consider Before You Consolidate Credit Card Debt

One of the primary reasons why people choose to consolidate credit card debt is to reduce their interest payments and also reduce their overall monthly payments. Just like a regular loan consolidation program, a credit card debt consolidation program can help to lower monthly payments to free up some cash in your budget each month.

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6 Easy Ways to Tackle Credit Card Debt Now

f those credit card balances just never seem to disappear or you’re drowning in debt, you need a realistic payoff plan to get your financial house back in order. According to, the average credit card debt per household with credit card debt in 2012 was $15,956. That’s a significant debt load for the typical

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Best Ways to Get More Out of Credit Card Balance Transfers

Transferring your credit card balances (balance transfers) can be an effective way to save on interest you would otherwise accumulate on a high-interest credit card, and can also increase your credit score as you clear up your credit lines. However, there are some things you need to be aware of before you authorize that transfer.

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bi-weekly credit card payments

Credit Card Payment Strategy: Do Bi-Weekly Payments Reduce Debt Faster?

Many people ask me about various payment strategies to eliminate debt. So in this post, I’ll offer some guidance on how to effectively reduce debt and keep your finances strong. Specifically, let me answer the following question someone recently asked: Q: Can you reduce the payoff on a credit card by paying bi-weekly or weekly

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get out of debt

Learn How to Deal with Creditors and Get Out of Debt Forever

Dealing with debt collectors is stressful. They call at all hours of the day and night. They hound you for money – whether you’re working or unemployed. And they generally make life unpleasant when you owe them, or one of their clients, cash. But just because you owe a company money doesn’t mean they have

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Zero Debt The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom 2nd Edition Lynnette Khalfani Cox 2

How to Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt

If you missed my interview on LX New York, I talked about how I paid off over $100,000 in credit card debt:

Zero Debt outlines 30 strategies I used to get out of debt, but here are a few highlights:

1) Put your debts in writing
Many people struggling with credit card debt have absolutely no idea exactly how much they owe. Instead they “guesstimate” about their total bills — and often they’re way off with their numbers. I made this mistake when I was in debt, and it allowed me to stay in denial (and in debt!) for far too long. It wasn’t until I took an honest about my predicament — by list all my bills in black and white, and putting everything in writing — that I got serious about knocking out the debt.

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