Stafford Loan

interest rates

How Can I Get a Lower Interest Rate on my Husband’s Student Loans?

Q: “I’m going crazy trying to pay my husband’s student loans off. He got three loans in the 1980s at eight percent. He has done several deferments and has acquired thousands in interest. I was behind several times, but I have everything current now. I consolidated the three loans and want to get a lower

How Can I Get a Lower Interest Rate on my Husband’s Student Loans? Read More »

5 Facts You Don’t Know About Student Loans But Should

In the current economic environment, one impact of the credit crunch is that it’s getting harder than ever to obtain loans of all kinds, including student loans. Unfortunately, millions of Americans rely on loans to pay for a college education. That’s why roughly $730 billion in federal and private student loans are outstanding, and only 40 percent of it is currently being repaid, according to, which tracks student loans.

5 Facts You Don’t Know About Student Loans But Should Read More »

financial aid

How Can I Complete School if I Run Out of Financial Aid?

Q: How can I complete school if I run out of financial aid? Should I get a private student loan? A: Well, the answer to this question is somewhat of a complex one and for those of you who don’t know, I have written a whole book about student loans and essentially how to pay

How Can I Complete School if I Run Out of Financial Aid? Read More »

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