Personal Finance

One of the biggest financial mistakes you can ever make is taking bad financial advice — or more accurately, applying financial advice the wrong way, at the wrong time, and for the wrong reason.
Following so-called “good” financial advice can actually get you into a world of economic trouble if you’re not careful. So, think about whether any of the following scenarios sound familiar when it comes to advice you might have taken — and later lived to regret.

emergency fund

When to Hide Money From Your Spouse

A slew of research tells us that Americans simply aren’t truthful with their spouses or partners when it comes to money matters. In the latest

spring cleaning your finances

7 Easy Tips to Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring is a great time of year not just for doing some spring-cleaning around the house, but to also spring clean your finances. This goes

Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

Video: Talking Money With Anderson Cooper

If you want to learn how to easily save or make money – without changing your lifestyle or taking any extreme actions – you’ve got

feeding children

Feeding Your Children When Money is Tight

Rising food costs and higher costs of living in general make it very difficult for some families to feed their children adequately. A recent report

child support

What to Do If You Need Child Support

If you have recently ended a marriage or a relationship and had children at some point during the relationship, you may be eligible to receive

jumpstart your finances

Jumpstart Your Finances in 30 Days

30 days. That’s roughly the amount of time the average American sticks to his or her New Year’s resolution. If we’re honest about our financial

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