
Here’s the single best investing tip I can offer: Focus on process not products.
Investors too often lose money by worrying too much about investment products, rather than directing their attention to the process of investing.
Far too many people fall into the trap of watching the latest Wall Street headlines on TV or in newspapers, magazines, and online publications, and then trying to chase returns. These investors are seduced by media headlines such as: “Experts Predict The Hottest Stocks of 2012” or “The Best Mutual Funds to Buy in the New Year.”
This is precisely the wrong way to go about investing. Investing should not be about chasing down individual products, but about how you can best manage the process of investing.

The Truth About Women and Investing

Gender and investing is a sensitive subject. I have a lot of conversations with industry participants about why diversity is good for the financial industry

How to Find the Best Online Stock Broker

If you’ve decided to diversify your investments and are interested in purchasing stocks, don’t overlook the benefits of working with an online stock broker. Online

The Smart Way to Join a Credit Union

If you’ve thought about switching banks to skirt extra fees or just for better services, don’t overlook the option and benefits of joining a credit


How to Invest Better

Investors too often lose money by worrying too much about investment products, rather than directing their attention to the process of investing.

Roth IRA

How to Benefit From Opening a Non-deductible IRA

You are correct in your assumptions. Yes, you can open two IRAs (one for 2009 and one for 2010), and safely convert them into a Roth this year because of the removal of the income limits on Roth conversions. I double-checked with an expert on this, David Mendels, who is a Certified Financial Planner and the President-Elect of the New York Chapter of the Financial Planning Association. David is also an adjust faculty member at New York University, as well as the head of the fee-based financial planning firm, Creative Financial Concepts, LLC. So he is very well-credentialed and I’m confident in his knowledge ane expertise. He told me to offer you two caveats, just to make sure your efforts go smoothly.

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