Credit rating

smart women

4 Smart Money Management Strategies for Women

As women, each of us is as different and varied as snowflakes. That’s part of what makes us beautiful and unique. But whether you’re young or older, married or single, raising kids or have no children, we all share one common desire: to have a financially secure future. In generations past, our mothers and grandmothers

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Perfect Credit

Presenting Your Best Credit Profile

If you to want to look good to anyone who’s watching you, it’s important to create a beautiful profile — a beautiful credit profile, that is! Who might be watching you? Lenders, credit card companies, even prospective employers all might want to see your credit report. So it’s important to keep that credit profile gorgeous. 

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7 Ways Your Credit Score Affects Your Finances and Your Life

  Your credit score serves as an indication of how well you pay your bills and manage debt. Obviously, not everyone has a pristine credit score, even though having great credit should be a goal for all adults. Sometimes, though, people don’t realize all the ways in which their credit rating affects them – personally,

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Credit industry

Is The Credit Score Industry Fair to Consumers?

In my latest book, Perfect Credit, I explained that the credit score industry prefers to work together—without you whenever possible. I’m not saying that they have no need for you or that they don’t want to have some dealings with you. After all, consumers provide valuable feedback and constitute a revenue source. And companies in

Is The Credit Score Industry Fair to Consumers? Read More »

How a Credit Card Balance Transfer Can Improve Your Credit Score

Right before and after the holidays you’ll probably get a lot of bank offers to transfer credit-card balances from one account to another. If you see balance transfers as an opportunity to go on a shopping spree, chances are you haven’t quite learned how to manage credit and debt wisely, and that balance transfer deal

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Perfect Credit

Perfect Credit: 7 Steps to a Great Credit Rating

Perfect Credit

If you have negative marks in your credit history, you already know what a pain it is living with bad credit: you get turned down for credit cards and loans, you pay sky-high interest rates when you do get approved, or you have to go (hat in hand) asking family or friends to co-sign for you or loan you money. The list of indignities you suffer with poor credit goes on and on.

Perfect Credit: 7 Steps to a Great Credit Rating Read More »

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